tran - si - tion def:
the process of changing from one state or condition to another

all at once you can grieve your past
slow down in your present
and wildly jump into action towards your future - jcd

tran - si - tion def:
the process of changing from one state or condition to another

ask yourself
am i where i want to be?
do i trust myself to make good decisions?
am i leading and living
from fear
or from love?

wherever you came from
wherever you are
you are not just your past or your stories
you are also whoever you choose to become - jcd

tran - si - tion def:
the process of changing from one state or condition to another

stop telling yourself that you will be deserving
when you are thinner, married, richer, happier
and start loving yourself
now, exactly as you are today - jcd

tran - si - tion def:
the process of changing from one state or condition to another

when i get grateful
abundance rains down on me
when i slow down
solutions come from within
when i let go of desire
to control how and when I get somewhere i arrive
when I realize i can control nothing
except my thoughts, actions, and responses
i see that's where my power lies
i am stronger than i ever knew - jcd


Are you ready to set goals, take action, and live your best life?

I want to work with you if you are going through a transition - new parent, newly married or divorced or widowed, starting or finding a new career, new graduate of high school or college, or working on becoming the best version of yourself. While in transition it can be hard to let go of the comfort of where you are now, even when the future looks really exciting. To move forward, you can accept and grieve what is no longer serving you. You can take action today. You can get comfortable being uncomfortable to become your best self. It takes tons of small steps to get there - and you know exactly where you want to be. I believe in you - that you are amazing exactly as you are. Wherever you are right now, and no matter where you have been before, you can start to change your life. There is no single formula for personal growth or getting unstuck, your journey will be as unique as you. Disclaimer: There will likely be tears, laughter, fear, bold courage, resistance, perseverance, failures, successes, and hopefully a lot of fun on the way.
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